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Advancements and Strategic Discussions: The second ANALYST Consortium Meeting

On June 12th and 13th, 2024, the partners of the ANALYST project gathered in Oslo, Norway  for the second consortium meeting, an event that marked a pivotal step in the project's timeline.

The primary objective of the two-day meeting was to provide a comprehensive overview of the work progress within each ongoing Work Package (WP) and associated tasks over the first six months of the project and to plan for the upcoming period. Each WP was discussed in detail, covering objectives, task descriptions, achievements, short-term deliverables, milestones, potential deviations, risk evaluations, and upcoming actions.

A highlight of the first day was a workshop conducted by AIMEN on leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) to address missing data, pertinent to Task 1.4 - “AI method for addressing missing data” of WP1. This workshop underscored AI's advantages over traditional methods and addressed current challenges and solutions, sparking discussions on managing uncertainties related to AI. The partner provided insights into ongoing solutions and addressed participants' concerns. 

Following the workshop, the leaders of the various Work Packages presented the progress and the next steps. The focus shifted to WP1 - “Setting the basis for ANALYST”, HOLOSS and AIMEN provided updates. They discussed objectives, progress on tasks and subtasks, deliverables, milestones, risk evaluations, deviations, and upcoming actions for the next six months. NILU, Ud’A and HOLOSS presented updates on WP2, covering the development of consistent methodologies and guidelines for integrative health, environment, social, and economic impact assessments of PVC materials at the EU and global scale. This session concluded with technical discussions, where partners considered engaging industrial partners to improve WP2 activities and address data gaps.

Day two started with IDE presenting on WP3, which focuses on the development of an open platform intended to embed both the digital multi-criteria decision-making support tool (DMDMS) and a large number of sources. PIEP then took the floor to discuss WP4, detailing the demonstration and validation program in use-case environments. Following this, EuPC, PIEP, and HOLOSS presented on WP5, which aims to drive adoption through a validation program. This program includes three distinct use cases spanning the PVC value chain in the automotive and construction sectors. The objective is to support informed investment decisions based on impact, adhere to the SSbD (Safe and Sustainable by Design) framework, and facilitate the implementation of future chemicals and materials policies. This will be achieved by enhancing the understanding of potential sustainability trade-offs. At the end, HOLOSS and IDE presented on WP6, which deals with project management and coordination. The meeting culminated with a wrap-up session, where deliverables, milestones, and upcoming tasks were reviewed.

The consortium meeting in Oslo marked a significant advancement in the ANALYST project, setting a clear path for the next six months. It reinforced the collaboration among the partners and ensured that everyone was aligned with the project's goals and objectives. ​​​


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